The article is an empirical study of the relationship between the adequacy of the subjective assessment of psychological age and personality features of the representatives of two age groups. The authors view the subjective assessment of psychological age as a reflection of personality well-being and the actual state of an individual. The subjective assessment of psychological age is linked to an experience of self-actualization, constructiveness and adaptability of a personality. The authors emphasize the importance of understanding subjective assessment of an individual’s psychological age as a mechanism of identification and preservation of the integrity of the self-concept. The authors hypothesized that subjective assessment of psychological age can be connected with a number of psychological features of an individual. In this research, the authors selected meaningful-life orientations, components of constructive personality (self-determination, self-actualization, harmony, dynamism) and socio-psychological adaptability as such psychological features. These personal characteristics evolve over certain age phases, and later determine an individual’s subjective experience of the time of his or her life. The empirical phase of the research presents a comparative analysis of the personality traits of the respondents of two age groups with an adequate self-assessment of their psychological age, and those who overestimate or underestimate it. The comparative analysis demonstrated several interesting patterns, both age-specific as well as associated with the adequacy of psychological age self-assessment. The findings revealed that psychological age self-assessment as a dynamic formation provides an opportunity for diagnostic and remedial work. Inadequate self-assessment of psychological age may be regarded as a mechanism of psychological defense, so the authors propose an alternative interpretation of this mechanism. The obtained data made it possible for the authors to present the psychological characteristics in which respondents construct their subjective self-image in situations involving personal and age-specific self-actualization crises.
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