Social and Political Agenda of the Cossacks in Social Networks: Comparative Analysis of Official and Unofficial Communities
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Public Politics




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Bashmakov, I.S. (2023). Social and Political Agenda of the Cossacks in Social Networks: Comparative Analysis of Official and Unofficial Communities. South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences, 24(2), 50-64. DOI: 10.31429/26190567-24-2-50-64
Submission Date February 20, 2023
Accepted Date March 25, 2023
Published Date July 31, 2023
Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Игорь Станиславович Башмаков


The article summarizes the results of the comparative analysis of the social and political platform of the Cossacks in the social network VKontakte. Quantitative and qualitative methods were used to comparatively analyze a substantial number of subscribers to official accounts of registered Cossacks (Cossack troops) as well as popular unofficial communities focused on Cossack issues. The research identified the dominant socio-­political topics concerning Russian Cossacks by analyzing VKontakte community pages’ news feeds and publications. The audience’s interest and activity regarding these messages were analyzed, using quantitative indicators like view count and engagement (ER). This data was then compared to the total number of subscribers. The relevance of studying socio-­political activities of the Cossacks under current conditions is determined by ongoing socio-­political and cultural revival of this ethno-­social group, the necessity to transform the Cossacks as a traditional social institution in modern conditions, the possibility to attract the representatives of the Cossacks to address state issues, as well as active involvement of the Cossacks in protecting State interests. In this context, more attention is paid to the Cossack theme by authorities and representatives of society. At present, the official (rostered) listed Cossacks and the authorities that support them broaden opportunities for Cossacks to receive specifically oriented Cossack education, serve in the civil service, and participate in local Cossack initiatives. The findings of our study prove that society and the authorities take an increasingly keen interest in the official Cossackdom. However, there is still a lack of unity and a persistent division within the Cossacks themselves into rostered (official, state-­supported) and non-rostered (independent) Cossacks. One can observe diversity of orientation, differences in the content of the socio-­political agenda and, consequently, in value orientations between official “state” Cossacks and the non-official “civil” proponents of the Cossack Revival, which is evident in social networks.


Cossacks socio-­political agenda information agenda social networks Internet mass media new media VKontakte Cossack societies Cossack policy


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