Today, in view of the emerging new geopolitical reality, it is socially imperative that there be a policy of consolidation of Russian society. While implementing this policy within the youth environment, it becomes important to analyze how young people respond to values promoted by the state to identify the most effective strategies to work with, in this area. That is why, this research aims to reveal and outline to what extent this official social and political discourse of consolidation is congruent with the social and political values that dominate the youth milieu and its leadership community. N. Fairclough’s concept of critical discourse analysis serves as the methodological basis of this study and it helped identify the key values of consolidation in Russian socio-political discourse, regarding this consolidation discourse as both a constructive and a constructed phenomenon. Political consolidation, in line with the work of E. A. Ageeva, is seen as a process of bringing citizens together on the basis of value agreement on understanding urgent problems and goals. The results of the empirical study made it possible to specify the problematics of value divide in youth environment and identify key values of consolidation in the Russian socio-political discourse. The basic values and the core of consolidation of the Russian society were identified through the study of the discourse of the President of Russia. In addition, their regional characteristics were identified on the basis of the discourse of the Governor of Krasnodar for 2022–2023. The results of the empirical study highlighted technologies for the formation of consolidation values of the youth milieu in Russian society in the emerging new geopolitical reality. From the results of the study we can conclude that in developing technologies for the formation of consolidating values, young people should use integrative values, a constructive image of the future, the experience of real people, the principles of horizontal interaction, practice-oriented activities, and an individual approach to each youth community.
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