The phenomenon of self-relationship is considered as a significant perspective for understanding human identity. Every relation to the world includes the characteristics of the subject of the relation. At a certain level of personality development these characteristics are reflexed as a relation (attitude) to oneself. Self-relationship is complexly connected with self-esteem. Its structure and content are dynamic, so we can speak of a set of self-relationships of a person. It is of particular interest to study the interaction of different self-relationships, especially if one can assume that they are similar. The purpose of the study was to test the hypothesis of a positive relationship between self-compassion (K. Neff) and the disposition to procrastination. The sample consisted of 129 university humanities students and 100 cadets of the military university. The average indices of both self-compassion and procrastination were obtained for the sample. The hypothesis of a positive relationship between the studied self-relationships was not confirmed: the index of disposition to procrastination is weakly negatively related to the overall index of self-compassion (r= –0.33). Self-compassion, at least, does not contribute to procrastination. At the same time, individual self-relationships (Neff questionnaire scales) form different patterns of interaction with disposition to procrastination for subgroups of the sample (gender and type of education).
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