The theory and methodology of the network approach in researches of Russian online-communities
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Political Institutions and Processes

How to Cite

Stepanova, E.A. (2018). The theory and methodology of the network approach in researches of Russian online-communities. South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences, 19(2), 50-66.
Submission Date November 23, 2017
Accepted Date March 12, 2018
Published Date June 7, 2018
Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2018 Екатерина Андреевна Степанова


This article analyses the transformation of network approach research in different areas of science, its use in anthropology, sociology and political science, as one of the most flexible research tools. For a long time the theory of network approach has developed within the framework of natural science, but with the appearance of “network field” and “social network” concepts supported by the spreading of the Internet, researchers in the humanities also got interested in this approach. Due to the change in and the expansion of methodology, network approach has become an accessible research tool for both sociologists and political scientists. Russian political scientists have added network analysis to their toolkit comparatively recently.
This paper examines the structure and basic characteristics of network analysis, as well as its advantages over other research methods. Now that the Internet is so popular, the network approach methodology is most relevant, because it allows to research complex social networks and the interrelationship between their actors. One of the most expressive features of modern social networks is the transition from online- to offline-space to achieve their own goals and to solve problems. This phenomenon is studied in the given article on the material of parents’ online-communities. Parents’ communities are divided into networks for moms and dads: male online-networks are only evolving, while female networks are numerous and active. These communities not only differ in their goals and objectives, but they also differently affect the solution of local policy problems by transition from online- to offline-space.


network approach methodology network analysis online-space online-social networks network communities female online-communities male online-communities the transition from online- to offline-space

Funding information

The study was carried out through the financial support of the Russian Fund of Fundamental Research (RFFR), as part of the scientific project «Network Resources of the Development of Local Policy under New Political Reality” (№ 15–33–01313, 2015–2017, supervised by N. A. Ryabchenko).


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