Psychological Features of People Practicing Different Types of Tourism
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Psychology of Personality


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Litvin, A.V. (2018). Psychological Features of People Practicing Different Types of Tourism . South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences, 19(2), 100-116. DOI: 10.31429/
Submission Date February 17, 2018
Accepted Date March 25, 2018
Published Date June 7, 2018
Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2018 Антон Витальевич Литвин


The results of an empirical research of the psychological content of tourism are presented in the paper. It was necessary to single out an individual’s attitude to geographical space, as well as personal characteristics of people who practice tourism, within the framework of the content of tourism. The attitude includes three components: cognitive, affective-motivational and behavioral. The personal component of the psychological content of tourism includes value orientations and specific characteristics of self-actualization. It was assumed that there were distinctions in the psychological content of tourism among people practicing different types of tourism. To verify the hypothesis, representatives of three types of tourism (mountainous, cultural-historical, and beach (n = 190)) were polled. In the course of the comparative analysis, statistically significant differences in the content of tourism among people practicing various types of tourism were revealed. Most of these differences occur in the cognitive and the affective-motivational components of the attitude to geographical space. The hypothesis is confirmed in the cognitive and the affective-motivational components of the attitude to geographical space, and is not confirmed in the behavioral component of the attitude to geographical space and in the personal component of the content of tourism. The interpretation of the results is represented in the paper. Psychological portraits of people practicing mountain, cultural, historical or beach type of tourism were made up. The portraits reflect the psychological content of tourism; namely, they describe a number of features of the attitude to geographical space, and personal characteristics of tourists.


psychological content of tourism attitude of a person to geographical space image of a tourist place psychological functions of tourism emotions subjective vitality behavioral models


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