The paper considers the present-day parameters of the institutional model of integrating youth leaders into the system of public administration for the development of human capital in Krasnodar Region, and the problems and possible directions of its transformation. On the basis of a comprehensive research methodology, including focus group discussions, expert sessions and in-depth interviews, the authors identified the mechanisms and tools for including youth leaders into public governance processes, as well as resources and functional opportunities for youth leadership to address key regional development issues. Key parameters of the current institutional model were identified. They are organizational, normative, information and communication components, tools, practices, and platforms for the interaction of public policy actors in this field. The major problems of the current state of the institutional model were described: predominance of development-oriented leaders in the region’s youth policy system, high formalization and bureaucratization of youth policy structures, and fragmentation of institutional practices. The specific attributes of youth leaders (their social profiles, growth pathways, resources) and tools for the integration of youth leadership into public management of human capital development were established. A number of institutional mechanisms for the successful integration of leadership into the public administration system were highlighted (such as communication platforms for the interaction of youth leaders, the creation of professional leadership communities and the development of competitive mechanisms for the selection and recruitment of leaders, etc.). The research findings suggest measures to improve the institutional model and practices of integrating youth leadership into the system of public management for human capital development at the regional level.
Funding information
The study “Youth leadership in regional practices of public management of human capital development: strategies for achieving success, opportunities, results” was carried out as part of the state task of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russia Federation (FZEN‑2022–0013).
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