Dynamics of Personality Characteristics of Stutterers in Logo-Psychotherapy Sessions
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Psychology of Personality





How to Cite

Karpova, N.L. (2023). Dynamics of Personality Characteristics of Stutterers in Logo-Psychotherapy Sessions. South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences, 24(3), 45-58. DOI: 10.31429/26190567-24-3-45-58
Submission Date June 15, 2023
Accepted Date July 10, 2023
Published Date September 29, 2023
Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Наталия Львовна Карпова


This article examines the characteristics of individuals with speech communication disorders, specifically stuttering, and explores the use of Family Group Speech Therapy as a corrective tool. The paper analyzes the correlation between the concepts of ‘personality’ and ‘communication’ in the works of A. A. Bodalev. It also discusses the issue of stuttering as presented by Russian speech therapists and psychologists. Stuttering is viewed as a communication difficulty that can lead to destructive changes in human behavior and hinder social interactions. Therefore, a comprehensive approach is necessary to overcome it. The study presents a 4‑stage system of family group logo-psychotherapy and several studies on the personal characteristics of stutterers who participate in the group process to identify the main targets of logo-psychotherapy. The targets include: 1) the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral components of attitude; 2) specific features of perception and behavior in critical situations in norm and in logo-neurosis; and 3) features of perception and understanding of strangers by stutterers. The article describes the use of Lurian methods and the method of projective drawing ‘I and my speech’ to analyze the dynamics of personal changes of stutterers in relation to verbal communication. Additionally, diagnostic tools developed within the framework of the system-­psychological approach are used to analyze the motivational sphere affecting the correction of the speech disorder. The study presents a comparison of speech and personality dynamics in participants undergoing group speech psychotherapy, both in-person and online.


communication personality dialogue speech stuttering family group speech therapy co-existence self-actualization socio-­rehabilitation


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