Business as a Subject of Youth Policy in the Region: Practices of Social Responsibility (on the Example of Krasnodar)
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Southern Russia: People, Society, Politics




How to Cite

Kolba, A.I., Miroshnichenko, I.V., Borisko, O.A., Rakachev, D.N. (2024). Business as a Subject of Youth Policy in the Region: Practices of Social Responsibility (on the Example of Krasnodar). South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences, 25(4), 124-147. DOI: 10.31429/26190567-25-4-124-147
Submission Date October 15, 2024
Accepted Date November 18, 2024
Published Date December 25, 2024
Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2025 Кольба А.И., Мирошниченко И.В., Бориско О.А., Ракачев Д.Н.


The article discusses the formats and practices of corporate social responsibility (CSR) implemented in relation to the youth of the older age group (30–35 years) as mechanisms for the development of business subjectivity in the field of youth policy. The role of business structures in the implementation of GMP is currently less significant than its potential allows. At the same time, businesses have unique opportunities and resources for interacting with working youth, as well as the potential to influence the development of their territories of residence. Currently, this issue is presented in a limited and fragmented way in scientific research. The empirical basis of the study consisted of data obtained on the basis of a combination of qualitative (expert interview, focus group interview, document analysis) and quantitative (questionnaire) methods. In the course of the study, the main directions of implementing the social responsibility of business in relation to this age group are highlighted: socio-­economic, environmental, civil-­patriotic, etc. There are also discrepancies between the needs of business structures (support for professional development and growth within companies) and working youth (striving for active self-development, including outside the companies with which employees are currently associated). The contradictions between the predominant orientation of business towards various formats of internal social responsibility and the need for the development of the host territory (including to solve the problems of working youth) are identified. Practical recommendations for business structures operating in Moscow are formulated. Krasnodar, and municipal authorities, the implementation of which in practice will make it possible to activate business activities as a subject of youth policy and urban development based on social responsibility practices.


social responsibility of business working youth youth policy territorial development Krasnodar


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