The article deals with the scientific problem associated with the search for new ways to manage innovation in regional systems of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The presented results of the study allow us to determine the quality of the innovation policy of the Krasnodar Territory by assessing the effectiveness of institutional development resources and the possibilities of overcoming institutional traps that have developed in the regional innovation system. Considering the innovation policy as the ability of the authorities to form, update and develop the corresponding spectrum of institutional resources for the development of the regional innovation system, the authors propose a new analytical tool for assessing its quality.The results of an empirical study showed that the institutional resources for the development of innovation policy in the Krasnodar Territory are: formed regulatory framework that defines the paths of strategic socio-economic, scientific and technical development and state support for innovation in the Krasnodar Territory; developed scientific and educational complex, including federal research centers, research institutes, universities and objects of their internal innovative structure; created regional innovation infrastructure, including 166 different facilities; high level of human development (labor resources in the region) and intellectual capital (patents, managerial skills and technologies, professional experience). The scarce institutional resources for the development of innovation policy in the Krasnodar Territory include intangible resources (network, political, managerial, and socio-psychological) that form non-market development institutions. The proposed analytical toolkit for assessing the quality of innovation policy allows not only to identify the results of innovative development, but also to diagnose the range of success of the institutional mechanisms used, and also propose a mechanism for designing institutional changes in the regional innovation system, aimed at updating institutional resources and leveling institutional traps for the effective implementation of regional innovation policy. The authors propose a scenario for the institutional design of the innovation policy of the Krasnodar Territory, which will integrate the diverse institutional resources of the regional innovation policy. The Kuban Science Foundation may become the regional operator of such institutional design, which will provide an umbrella link between the implemented innovation policy and the results of the scientific and technical policy directly related to the production clusters of the region’s economy.
Funding information
The research was carried out within the framework of the regional project of the Russian Federal Property Fund and the Administration of the Krasnodar Territory, № 18–410–230028 (Institutional Design of the Innovation System of the Krasnodar Territory: Capacity Development, Neutralization of Risks and Threats).
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