Values of Success and Adaptive Capabilities of the Modern Individual at the Beginning of the Youth Period (Based on the Example of Students in Educational Organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs)
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Psychology of Personality


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Deeva, N.A., Ryabko, T.V. (2020). Values of Success and Adaptive Capabilities of the Modern Individual at the Beginning of the Youth Period (Based on the Example of Students in Educational Organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs). South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences, 21(1), 157-177. DOI: 10.31429/26190567-21-1-157-177
Submission Date September 3, 2019
Accepted Date December 12, 2019
Published Date March 30, 2020
Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2020 Наталья Александровна Деева, Татьяна Владимировна Рябко


The article provides theoretical and empirical evidence of the relationship between adaptive capacity and the value of individual success. The relevance of the scientific issue lies in the search for new approaches to understanding and exploring the adaptability and success of individuals in today’s world. The novelty of the study is to validate the concept of the life success of the individual as a metaresource in the system of self-regulation, which realizes the function of reflective comparisons of social and individual values in order to construct its own concept of successful life and acts as a system of interrelated mechanisms, properties and states. The principles of regulatory, subjective, and resource-­based approaches are the methodological bases for understanding life success. Particular attention is paid to the value of success in life and its relationship to the adaptive capacity of the individual. Value bases provide basic coordinates for the formation and realization of adaptive capabilities of the individual. The aim of the research is to study the intensity of the values and adaptive capacities of the individual and to identify their interrelationship in a sample of respondents at the beginning of their youth period (using the example of participants in educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs). The empirical study revealed a problem: in a sample with high success rates, adaptive capacity and a well-established hierarchy of values for life success, only some values have significant links with adaptive capacity and can be both a resource factor and guide adaptation in general, as well as a brake on adaptation. The results have increased knowledge of perceptions of successful youth, of priority values and of the participation of these values in the processes of personal adaptation.


life successfulness values adaptation capabilities person


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