Study of Professional Burnout and Intensity of Coping Strategies among Employees at Different Industrial Enterprises
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Social Psychology


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Korotkina, T.I., Melnikova, A.A. (2022). Study of Professional Burnout and Intensity of Coping Strategies among Employees at Different Industrial Enterprises. South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences, 22(3), 116-133. DOI: 10.31429/26190567-22-3-116-133
Submission Date January 15, 2021
Accepted Date August 10, 2021
Published Date March 28, 2022
Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Татьяна Ильинична Короткина, Алла Александровна Мельникова


The standard approach to the study of professional burnout is to define its manifestations in helping professions. Nevertheless, it can be assumed that industrial workers also suffer from it, which opens new ways in studying professional burnout and makes this study topical and timely. It must be mentioned that ways of compensating the impact of industrial burnout on workers have not been described either. It means that the study involving research into stress tolerance resources to compensate for occupational burnout are also topical and timely. One of the key tools for overcoming difficult situations is coping; these are life-long strategies for responding to difficult situations that reinforce the way a person responds to stressful situations. Naturally, to find the most productive algorithms for preventing professional deformation, it might be necessary to study the characteristics of occupational burnout in its interconnection with those coping strategies that help withstand it since they are the basis of personality stress tolerance. Thereby, the given research aimed at studying professional burnout and ways of its compensation among industrial employees, including workers. The study was carried out at 4 large Russian industrial enterprises, with 211 participants. As a result, the level of professional burnout among employees, including workers, at large industrial enterprises was identified; coping strategies have been identified, both to overcome professional burnout and to increase the risk of burnout; and a stress management model for industrial workers was identified and described.


professional burnout coping strategies coping behavior industrial enterprises risk of burnout burnout of workers overcoming burnout coping with stress


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