The authors propose a complex structural and communicative approach, according to which multi-level and heterogeneous structures are analyzed — parliamentary parties and the electorate, which have intergenerational features, traditional and new channels of state-public discourse in the online communication format. The empirical basis of the study was an array of messages on the social network Twitter on 4 Russian parliamentary parties: Edinaja Rossija, KPRF, LDPR, Spravedlivaja Rossija. The total volume of messages in the Reaktsii dataset was: 1.5 million messages in the Reaktsii.ER dataset, 900,000 messages in the Reaktsii.KPRF dataset, 700,000 messages in the Reaktsii.LDPR dataset, 430,000 messages. messages in the Reaktsii.SR dataset. The data was uploaded from April 1, 2021 to September 1, 2021. The application of the author’s methodology (which included the cumulative, consistent and procedural use of the methods and approaches of Data Science, mathematical modeling, relational sociology, corpus linguistics and linguo-discursive analysis), as well as the developed software, made it possible to identify and describe the practices of deliberative interaction of Russian political parties with the electorate; assess the quality of the online discursive field “Party — Electorate” and its consequences in terms of offline political decision-making; offer tools for measuring the effectiveness of the dialogue between political actors and civil society; identify conditions and predict the development of new forms of collective policy measurement. In conclusion, a classification of the discursive fields “Party — Electorate” is proposed according to four levels of the possibility of realizing the deliberative potential.
Funding information
The reported study was funded by RFBR and EISR according to the research project № 21-011-31826 “Deliberative practice of interaction of parliamentary parties with the electorate: structural-communicative analysis” (2021).
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