One of the key questions of psychology is what phenomena determine the harmoniousness and authenticity of personal being in the conditions of transitive reality. The search for an answer to this question requires an appeal to constructs of a subjectocentric, integrative nature. One of such polysystem and procedural phenomena is personal maturity, which continues to be the subject of discussions related to its content. This problem is in demand due to the lack of stable foundations of human existence, as well as in the context of connection with other key concepts, such as overcoming, harmoniousness, axiological orientation, subjective activity. This topic is revealed in a new quality in the subject-being approach, where the creative role of the individual as a subject in the organization of being spaces is emphasized. On the basis of the subject-being methodology the authors of the article enunciate a hypothesis about the influence of the achieved level of personal maturity on the harmoniousness of the personality, the formation of its axiological sphere and the integrity of the self-image. In the empirical study (N=150), the following methods were used: “Psychosocial maturity of personality” by Pashnev B. K.; “Methodology of self-attitude research” by Pantileev S. R., “Test of life orientations” Leontiev D. A., “Integral harmony of personality” by Motkov O. I.. The revealed patterns of significant travel coefficients in the models, the peculiarities of the direction of influence allow us to consider personal maturity, integral harmoniousness, life-purpose orientations as important components of a person’s subjective activity. It is proved that the general level of personal maturity and the general index of life values have a direct positive effect on the integral harmoniousness of personality. Formed life orientations play the role of mediator between maturity and integral harmoniousness. The authors have identified two mechanisms of formation of the regulatory experience of personality (inhibition and facilitation), which can proceed simultaneously. Maturity enhances the positive characteristics of self-regulation, and also suppresses the formation of negative regulatory experience. The role of maturity, meaningfulness, harmoniousness in the process of formation of self-attitude structures is established. Accordingly, personal maturity determines the subjective potential, productivity and harmoniousness of subjective activity and becomes the basis of the authentic existence of the individual in the conditions of a complicated socio-cultural reality.
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