The Problem of Interoceptive Awareness Research in the Russian and Foreign Psychology
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Theory and Methodology of Psychology


How to Cite

Popova, R.R. (2020). The Problem of Interoceptive Awareness Research in the Russian and Foreign Psychology. South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences, 21(2), 126-138. DOI: 10.31429/26190567-21-2-126-138
Submission Date May 12, 2020
Accepted Date June 20, 2020
Published Date November 11, 2020
Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2020 Резеда Равилевна Попова


The article reveals the problem of operationalization of the “interoceptive awareness” and examines domestic and foreign approaches to the psychological diagnosis of this phenomenon. “Interoceptive awareness” is presented as a process that has a complex psychobiological nature and plays an important role in the holistic regulation of psychic activity in conditions of healthy and pathological functioning. The necessity of the subjective approach to the analysis of the process of interoceptive awareness with emphasis on its adaptive and maladaptive aspects is stressed. The differences between the approach to bodily awareness associated with the study of interoceptive processes and approaches based on the analysis of mental images of corporeality are shown. The purpose of this article is to identify the potential of psycho-­diagnostic tools developed for the research in this area both in Russia and abroad. The article analyzes the experimental and psychodiagnostic methods currently used for the diagnosis of interoceptive awareness, such as: Biofeedback methodology, the method of “The Choice of Descriptors of Intraceptive Sensations”, developed by A.Tkhostov, as well as a number of foreign questionnaires (BCQ, BIS, BAM, BAQ, MAIA). Indirect methodologies for studying interoceptive awareness were also analyzed, including the “body image” questionnaires, well-known and author's projective and semi-projective techniques. It was found that the methods used in this field in domestic research are either not sufficiently aimed at studying the process of interoceptive awareness, or are inconvenient for practical use due to cumbersomeness, or they overly biologize the studied process. The diagnostic potential of the questionnaire MAIA — “Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness” is shown. The conclusion is made about the need to adapt this technique in the Russian-­language environment.


bodily awareness interception interceptive awareness psychological diagnosis of interoceptive awareness MAIA


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