Parenting is a fundamental life purpose and a significant socio-psychological function of human beings. The study of parental work in the perception of blood parents and experts on support of foster families is one of the promising tasks within the framework of consideration of the problem of studying the function of parenthood in different categories of families. The study aims to highlight the functions of parental labor in the perceptions of blood parents and experts on the support of guardians, custodians, and foster parents in Moscow. The study was conducted in two stages. The first stage took place at the SBI Center ‘Sodeistvie’ in Moscow. 21 specialists acted as experts in support of guardians, custodians and foster parents of the city of Moscow. Eighty biological parents participated in the second stage. To study parental labor, we used the method of activity assessment — a modified O. Lipman’s questionnaire, with the application of assessment scales for sociognomic professions. Results: This study highlights the general functions of parental labor in representing blood parents and experts who support guardians, custodians, and foster parents. These functions include the formation of the child’s moral qualities and the transfer of experience in interacting within the joint co-existence space of ‘adult-space-child’. The work of a blood parent is aimed at the formation of the child’s independence, ability to interact constructively, sense of responsibility, acceptance of rules and norms of social behavior. The role of a foster parent is to address and correct the psychological needs of orphaned children. Thus, the results demonstrate the general and specific functions of different types of parental work.
Funding information
The study “Regulation of professional interaction under conditions of organizational and technological challenges” was carried out as part of the state task of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russia Federation (No. 0138–2023–0010).
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