The Image of the Present and the Future in the Perceptions of Adoptive Parents
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Psychology of Personality




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Aldasheva, A.A., Sivash, O.N., Mikryukova, P.V. (2024). The Image of the Present and the Future in the Perceptions of Adoptive Parents. South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences, 25(2), 92-112. DOI: 10.31429/26190567-25-2-92-112
Submission Date January 25, 2024
Accepted Date April 15, 2024
Published Date June 28, 2024
Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Айгуль Абдулхаевна Алдашева, Ольга Николаевна Сиваш, Полина Васильевна Микрюкова


Parenting is considered from the point of view of the co-being approach, which allows studying the family in the coordinates of: jointness, space and time. The conceptual model of adaptive parenting activity is presented, the sustainability of which is determined by the time perspective, including perceptions of interaction in the dyad “adaptive parent-­adaptive child”. The purpose of the study was to examine adaptive parents’ perceptions of time perspective. Forty adaptive parents (20 females and 20 males) and 41 biological parents (19 females and 22 males) participated in the study. To achieve the purpose of the study, the Motivational Inductors Method of J. Nütten in adaptation of A. D. Leontiev was used. The results revealed the peculiarities of adaptive parents’ perspective on the future in comparison with biological parents, the former group relies predominantly on the near future. In the open present, adaptive parentstend toexpress orientation to psychological self-preservation, egoism, maximum aspiration and dissatisfaction with the state of affairs. In the near-term perspective, adaptive parents express the aspiration for the development of abilities, cognition and interest, in contrast to biological parents, focused to their professional activity and the child’s studies. In the long term, adaptive parents are dominated by the importance of cognition and interest, achievement motivation, activity, orientation to learning activities (their own and the child’s), while the biological parents’ orientation to the child, to the development of character, personality traits, abilities and learning activities increases. Conclusions were drawn about adaptive parents’ representation of the adaptive family image and the presence of a delayed life script. It was suggested that adaptive parents should be trained with emphasis on the development of skills of building a future perspective and the formation of a holistic image of their activities.


parenthood conceptual model of activity future prospects mode of activity biological and adoptive families

Funding information

The study “Professional activity and development of a person’s personality in the context of organizational and man-made changes” was carried out as part of the state task of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russia Federation (No. 0138-2024-0010).


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