Cultural Space of a Modern City as an Object of Psychological Research | South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences
Cultural Space of a Modern City as an Object of Psychological Research
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Tuchina O.R., Apollonov I.A. (2024) Cultural Space of a Modern City as an Object of Psychological Research. South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences, 25 (1), pp. 114-126. DOI: 10.31429/26190567-25-1-114-126 (In Russian)
Submission Date 2024-02-05
Accepted Date 2024-04-15
Published Date 2024-03-29

Copyright (c) 2024 Оксана Роальдовна Тучина, Иван Александрович Аполлонов

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


The paper examines the phenomenon of urban identity within the context of an individual’s sense of belonging to the urban cultural space. The urban cultural milieu represents a significant factor in shaping an individual’s attachment to their place of residence and an emotional connection with the city. This is an essential aspect of the subjective well-being of the residents. The objective of this study is to provide theoretical justification for the concept of “urban cultural space” and to empirically examine the respondents’ perceptions of urban cultural space. The research methods employed were an associative experiment and a prototypical analysis, as proposed by P. Vergès. The empirical base of the study comprised 354 respondents permanently residing in Krasnodar. The concept of the “cultural space of the city” as a semantic sphere embodied in the urban landscape is substantiated from the perspective of the subjective approach. The core of social ideas of Krasnodar residents about urban culture and the culture of their city is characterized by consistency. This is evidenced by common elements, including city cultural institutions, parks, city customs and traditions, and the culture of everyday. The social representations of urban culture are distinguished by an expanded core, encompassing both material cultural objects and the activity aspect of urban culture. The peripheral zone of social perceptions (SP) of Krasnodar residents about urban culture includes categories that distinguish the urban environment from the rural one (specifically in terms of the visible signs of urbanization.). The same zone of SP about Krasnodar culture encompasses specific urban locations, urban cultural practices, distinctive behaviors, and the everyday culture of citizens. The common element of the peripheral zone of SP is the category “city residents” (“Krasnodar residents”). The social perceptions of a given city, such as Krasnodar, imbue these elements with a specific content that is determined by the specifics of the urban environment.


subjective approach, social perceptions, urban environment, urban culture, cultural space of the city, urban identity


The study was financially supported by the Kuban Science Foundation (project no. NIP‑20.1/209 “Interactive digital environment as a tool for realizing the socio-­economic potential of fine arts in Krasnodar”).


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