Trends in the Dynamics of the Need for Affiliation in Individuals Experiencing Acute Life Crises | South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences
Trends in the Dynamics of the Need for Affiliation in Individuals Experiencing Acute Life Crises
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Yasko B.A., Dorokhova I.O. (2024) Trends in the Dynamics of the Need for Affiliation in Individuals Experiencing Acute Life Crises. South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences, 25 (2), pp. 113-125. DOI: 10.31429/26190567-25-2-113-125 (In Russian)
Submission Date 2024-04-20
Accepted Date 2024-06-15
Published Date 2024-06-28

Copyright (c) 2024 Бэла Аслановна Ясько, Ирина Олеговна Дорохова

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


The relevance of the research topic is determined by the inevitability and diversity of crises in human life. It is noted that interpersonal relations play a role in the experience and overcoming of life crises. The mechanism of affiliation is identified as a factor influencing interpersonal relationships. This paper presents an analysis of theoretical approaches to understanding this phenomenon and its definition. It is observed that the issues of affiliation and, in particular, the role of affiliation in the experience of stressful situations and life crises are currently underdeveloped. The study of the affiliation motive in the context of experiencing life crises was found to have significant theoretical and applied potential. The objective of the presented research is to analyze the impact of life crises on the expression of the need for affiliation and to test the hypothesis that there is a relationship between the level of expression of the need for affiliation and the temporal distance between the actual life period and the place of the crisis event in the temporal space of the life path of an individual. The data from the content analysis of 390 definitions used by respondents to describe crisis events in their lives are presented. Based on the content analysis, the prevailing semantic units describing the central problem of the respondents’ life crises are identified. The study revealed that the most distressing experiences were related to professional activities, family relationships, life changes, Special Military Operation (SMO), financial difficulties, and the illness of a loved one. The study describes specific temporal ranges of experiencing crisis events. It also outlines diagnostics of the state of need for affiliation, which were used to differentiate the total sample into subgroups with high, medium, and low levels of desire for acceptance. The level of affiliation in respondents with different temporal characteristics of experienced life crises was compared. The dynamics of the need for acceptance depending on the temporal indicators of the crisis events was noted. As the acuity of the life crisis increases, the probability of decreasing the need for affiliation increases. The closer in time the crisis is, the less the need for affiliation is formed.


crisis events, affiliation, desire for acceptance, temporal characteristics of crisis events


The study was financially supported by the Kuban Science Foundation within the framework of the Research and Innovation Project No. NIP‑20.1/22.36 “A system and technology to counteract the risks of professional maladjustment and a decrease in the quality of life of medical workers in conditions of man-made, biogenic threats“.


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