Self-Organization of Personal Positioning Systems in the Space of Co-Existence
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Psychology of Personality


How to Cite

Ryabikina, S.N., Ryabikina, Z.I. (2022). Self-Organization of Personal Positioning Systems in the Space of Co-Existence. South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences, 23(1), 133-145. DOI: 10.31429/26190567-23-1-133-145
Submission Date February 11, 2022
Accepted Date March 15, 2022
Published Date July 30, 2022
Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Светлана Николаевна Петросьян, Зинаида Ивановна Рябикина


Developing the ideas set forth by M. Buber, B. D. Parygin, Z. I. Ryabikina, respectively, and establishing the research methodology on the principles of synergy, we worked out a subject-­dynamic approach to studying personality which emphasizes the role of personal positioning systems in the processes of subjectivity development. These ontogenetically determined systems emerge occur within the space of co-existence, and are simultaneously the process and the result of the human-­world interaction. Self-organization of personal advances in the direction of four vectors: Infantile, Aggressive, Sabotaging, Powerful. As the given systems predetermine the typical character and orientation of a subject’s activity, we offered to qualify them as types of subjective activity. The research became possible due to the development of “The Dispositional Model of the Structure of Subjective Activity” and “The Personal Profile of Subjective Activity” inventory method created on the basis of the above-­mentioned Model. This inventory method tests the profile of subjective activity system as an individual systemic formation. Factorization of these techniques makes it possible to identify allowed to reveal sets of personal orientations as cross-­cutting organizing principles, or types. The system of positioning immature types of agentive activity (Infantile, Aggressive, Sabotaging) prevents genuine self-actualization. The system of positioning of the Powerful Mighty subjective activity establishes the formation organization of such system as one that is aimed at the self-realization and self-actualization of the subject.


co-existence personal positioning type of subjective activity dynamic system self-organization


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