The search for effective management resources cannot be successful without analyzing the psychological aspects of the leader’s personality. Research in this direction is carried out in different psychological schools. Considering that at the center of the management process is a person as a subject of activity, the search for personal resources of the formation and self-realization of a manager is particularly heuristic. This approach allows to highlight psychological factors, both concomitant with success, and acting as "barriers" on this path. In their analysis, the authors rely on empirically distinguished types of personality maturity of the head of the “linear” level in healthcare organization (“High Level Formed Personal Maturity”; “Personal maturity based on the formed general and emotional intelligence, sociocentric responsibility”; “Personal maturity based on internal ego-centered orientation”;“ Personal maturity focused on the emotional perception of the world”). As subject-activity markers of the psychological “portrait” of the head, managerial competencies with psychological content were used (Woodcock, Francis, 1991). The comparison of the qualities of subjective-active determination with different psychological types of personality maturity showed that the most organic are the competency “profiles” among holders of high-level formed personality maturity and personality maturity based on the formed general and emotional intellects, sociocentric responsibility. The image of the Self as a subject of managerial activity of a “linear” level among holders of personality maturity on the basis of internal ego-centered orientation and personality maturity, focused on the emotional perception of the world, is marked by frustration of career expectations. It is concluded that the identified phenomena can contribute to the disclosure of meaningful recommendations for psychological counseling of “linear” managers to support professional and personal self-realization.
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